Our android will be coking coming with lots of pre installed apps including the system apps. The system apps include camera, video player, music etc. Although, all these apps are good, we look for an alternate app in the market.
Here I'm telling about about the system music app. We will be looking for an alternate music app in the market to get more features for playing musics. We will find winamp, vlc and more in market. Here I'm suggesting you a new music app developed by the top developer google itself. Its name is also music. The speciality of this app is its improved graphics and UI. In this app, when you play a music, the total background of the app will be the blurred thumpnail of the playing song, just like the gallary app of android. There are two musics apps available. Version for 3.0 and 4.0 . Although version 4 is latest, more awesome is 3.0. Blurred background is not available in 4.0 . But, real sync between musics is available in 4.0, although 2.3 supports this, it's not working always. But, personally I don't Care this.
Any how I'm suggesting you yo try both and finally use the best comfortable for you.
Version 4.0 http://www.multiupload.com/HDU1GPTDXM
Version 3.0 http:// https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B_XE3ZcVmItDODE4ZTdlMTgtMGRkZC00NTJkLTk1YTAtY2Y2ZDNkYzM1MzI0&export=download&hl=en
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