Thursday, November 3, 2011

15 essential android apps

   We know that android has the maximum number of apps in the market. But, are all those apps needed for you? No. Each user will has his own essential apps. It varies as his purposes varies. But there are some common essential apps. Here I'm going to give the names of those essential apps.
1. Friend caster for android ( although we have Facebook for android, it lags everywhere. So this is the best Facebook app for android.)

2. Lost phone (an anti theft app)

3. Inkpad (a way to store, add texts and sync with google account)

4. Opera mini (we all will be using data connection. We need a way to surf fast and save money. Opera mini is the only choice)

5. Dolphin HD (it's browsing experience is same as default browser. But in this you have the option to add addones, cache to SD for better loading next time and more)

6. Zdbox (An all in one app. Cache cleaner, traffic watcher, app to SD Notifier, battery percentage notifier and more)

7. file manager ( a file manager app for your revved. Its name is "file manager" itself)

8. Tubemate (an app to enable YouTube video download in mp4 and flv format)

9. Speaktoit (an speach recognizing and answering assistant for your android)

10. ( a dictionary that enables you to find right meaning on the go and an extra option to find the word of the day)

11. Adobe flash player (one of the main advantage of android from iPhone is adobe flash player. Download this app to enable flash embedded plugins)

12. Go SMS pro (an external app for messaging which enables super options)

13. Go book (an app for enabling book reading in a natural way while on the move)

14. Spring Zen HD (the other feature where iPhone lacks from android is live wallpaper. Download this super awesome lwp and boast against iPhone)

15. Think free office (an app to read and edit all kinf of text formats)

All these mentioned apps are available in the android market for free.

Make sure that you had updated these pre installed apps.

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