Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Get official windows phone 7 for your android.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Action required: Confirm your FriendCaller invitation from Ashiq Rafa

FriendCaller Header Logo  
  Dear User,

Ashiq Rafa wants you to join the FriendCaller network with him!

Please open this link and call me for free with the FriendCaller web phone! You do not need to register or install software.

Click here to accept the invitation and enjoy Voice and Video calls across the globe at no charge.
  FriendCaller is an all-in-one VoIP calling solution for your mobile device and Internet browser.

Get a real phone number and send texts (SMS) with your own Caller ID no matter wherever you are! All within the same browser or on your mobile device!

Experience a whole new world of VoIP with FriendCaller right now! Check out all the features here.
  Add to your address book. Never miss any notification from FriendCaller.  
  Find us on:  
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(c)2011 C2Call GmbH, Luenbrink 25, 59457 Werl, Germany
If you don′t want to receive emails from FriendCaller anymore, click here to unsubscribe.

More with Google maps

What's new on ice cream sandwich

View complex texts with opera.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ashiq Rafa invites you to FriendCaller

FriendCaller Header Logo

Ashiq Rafa is inviting you to join FriendCaller!
Please open this link and call me for free with the FriendCaller web phone! You do not need to register or install software.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Titanium backup for your android.

This program is designed for those who love to his system was always
reserved, all data are securely stored and easily recoverable at any time. The only price you pay for your peace of mind - is to have root-access. Unfortunately, this program requires root and busybox. What can the program: backup and restore applications, system applications, services and settings, a review of backups and applications, freezing applications (temporary removal from the list of applications on Android), faster backup using the HyperShell, record information on applications in Market and backup on a
schedule! One can say this phrase - "zabekapil, did a wipe and put the firmware, restored" - in the end you have the absolute impression of the previous system, only the new firmware.

Download Titanium Backup PRO

Change the font of your android.

Good day! Maybe some are already tired of the standard font on our devices. But it can be changed! To do this we will need the Font Changer. So ... We will need to do some manipulation to
replace the font.
1. Obtain the root-law if you do not.
2. Put BusyBox ( (Select where the
version 1.17.1 )
3. Download and install the Font
4. Start the Font Changer and allow her the right to Superpolzvatelya
5. We agree with an introduction and exit the program.
6. Download any font, I set myself
the Comic Sans MS Regular (
7. We throw the font in a folder sdcard / .fontchanger /
8. Go to Font Changer and see our
fonts (if not visible, then click Refresh )
9. Click on our font, click Apply and
then reboot the device (the program will automatically offer to do it) We are glad our new font.

Download Font Changer

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keep your media files hidden without any apps

   We will be having our own private files which we don't want a stranger to see. Here I'm gonna post an article to help you hide media files without any apps. Download this file and paste it in the folder where you wanna hide the included media files. Sometimes, you will need to restart your phone (sometimes only) . This technique is used by game developers. For eg : in gameloft game folder, you can see a gameloft logo video. But it will not be in your gallery or video player.

Adfree! No ads on your android!!!

AdFree - is designed to block all sorts of ads during the network, as well as cuts in advertising applications. The work program is as follows: When I start the connection to the server from which you obtained information about the list of servers from which the broadcast advertising.After this, you will be prompted to simply update your hosts-file (located in the folder etc ), thereby blocking ad servers. Nothing hangs on your phone. It only makes a small correction to the file, and then quietly unloaded from memory. And goes without saying many useful features and will be useful for anyone who Frequentlyattends the World Wide Web with its LG Optimus One . It does this by denying requests known hosts. Just remember that its work is needed root - the right

Free download AdFree v0.6 .4

Tip with Dolphin browser.

   If you are an android dolphin mini or HD user, you can use this tip to improve the speedness of your android browsing. It's not a tip but a fact. The fact is that, once you visit a webpage, cache is being saved to hour SD card, so that when you open the same page later, the pre - cache will be used and thus it loads quickly.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More with opera in your android.

   One of the most advantages of android is its customization. But, the app customization is given by the app developer. We customize an app from menu>settings. But there are apps which can be costomized more by another way. One such app is Opera mini and Opera mobile. We have option in edgings to customize this app. But it is limited. The extra option to customize can be used to customize more. The option is that.
1. Select URL bar
2. Remove WWW.
3. Type about:config

   Now you will be redirected to a page where the entire options are available. Make sure that you click on save at each time you make change. Save button is available at the sub menu itself.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Alternate app for music from Google.

   Our android will be coking coming with lots of pre installed apps including the system apps. The system apps include camera, video player, music etc. Although, all these apps are good, we look for an alternate app in the market.

   Here I'm telling about about the system music app. We will be looking for an alternate music app in the market to get more features for playing musics. We will find winamp, vlc and more in market. Here I'm suggesting you a new music app developed by the top developer google itself. Its name is also music. The speciality of this app is its improved graphics and UI. In this app, when you play a music, the total background of the app will be the blurred thumpnail of the playing song, just like the gallary app of android. There are two musics apps available. Version for 3.0 and 4.0 . Although version 4 is latest, more awesome is 3.0. Blurred background is not available in 4.0 . But, real sync between musics is available in 4.0, although 2.3 supports this, it's not working always. But, personally I don't Care this.

   Any how I'm suggesting you yo try both and finally use the best comfortable for you.

Version 4.0

Version 3.0 http://

Alternate android market for best experience.

   We all use android market app for downloading apps. I hoped a lots for the market app update. By it was after the update, I realised that the the new market is full of lags. Now most of the lags are fixed. The main lag is that, when we open market, it first will load the home page and home page contains many sub pages like top free apps, top paid apps and many.  These loads take many time and some times affect the performance. So here I'm gonna post an option so that you have an alternate way for searching and thus you will need only to open app for downloading this app. All the apps available in the market are available in this app also. The name of this app is best apps appmarket. You can download this app from market. It has all the options that market has like top apps, browse apps ancient more.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Windows taskbar for Your android

   We will be looking for many ways to customize our android to make it look awesome. We need different styles and ways to make it awesome. So here I am gonna give you a folder widget app that can store app short cuts of your installed apps in a 1 X 1 widget. The folder style is in the for of windows taskbar. See the picture.

Download this app from android market

Google offers for android

Google launched its Google Offers for Android application on Thursday, a new app that allows users to search and find local deals. The application is free and allows you to purchase any deal, such as "$15 for $25 to spend on outdoor gear at REI" (today' s special) right from your smartphone. The Google Offers app has the same deals as the beta website and today's deal was – $15 gets you $25 to spend at REI (I bought this one!). You just purchase the deal through the app and then flash your phone at the corresponding merchant to redeem it. The app will also remind you when your offer is about to expire. Users can personalize the offers by visiting http://www from a phone or a computer , too. For example, we have Google Offers set to alert us of any deals in uptown NewYork City so that we can be alerted of new coupons for local restaurants. Google Offers is live in the Android Market now.

Speed up your android

   The way you can speed up android are very easy if you do the following :
1. Reduce installed apps or uninstall waste apps
2. Remove caches.  You can use a cache cleaner to do this
3. Move apps back to phone memory.
4. Reduce background running apps. You can use a task killer to do this.
5. Root your phone. Rooting will give an option to customize the phone in the way you want.
6. Reduce unwanted Widgets especially the Widgets that needs an internet connection or frequent updates with some other data's.

Friday, November 4, 2011

About me

Full name : Ashiq Rafa
Condition : Studying
Website :
Age : 16 (25-08-1995)
Facebook :
Nationality : Indian
E-mail :
Mobile : +919745478890

Create an android app with this app

Every android  user will be happy to
develop an  app. But most  are
loosing it as they don't know how
to  develop it.  Here we have  a
simple  way. We can create an
android  app with  any web content.
Just 2 steps.
1. Mention the URL.
2. Give a name.
Then  your App  is ready
Download this app


Make your speaker live more

   We have the best platform running in our phone : android. But only the android is not enough. We consider screen resolution, camera, speaker, sensors etc when buy a phone. So, here I'm giving a tip to you to make your android's speaker to live more.

When playing a music or any audio, we will be having the volume setter maximum for the maximum sound out. But, this is really going to destroy your speaker for a little amount. So when playing an audio, switch the volume setter to 99%, so that you get your speaker living more and better quality sounds.

Tip to increase your charge durability :

We all are struggling hard to maintain the battery life. We will be move on sometimes aswell. So if you want to maintain your battery charge on move do this tip.
When you find the range blocks getting lost or connected frequently, switch your android phone to airplane mode.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

15 essential android apps

   We know that android has the maximum number of apps in the market. But, are all those apps needed for you? No. Each user will has his own essential apps. It varies as his purposes varies. But there are some common essential apps. Here I'm going to give the names of those essential apps.
1. Friend caster for android ( although we have Facebook for android, it lags everywhere. So this is the best Facebook app for android.)

2. Lost phone (an anti theft app)

3. Inkpad (a way to store, add texts and sync with google account)

4. Opera mini (we all will be using data connection. We need a way to surf fast and save money. Opera mini is the only choice)

5. Dolphin HD (it's browsing experience is same as default browser. But in this you have the option to add addones, cache to SD for better loading next time and more)

6. Zdbox (An all in one app. Cache cleaner, traffic watcher, app to SD Notifier, battery percentage notifier and more)

7. file manager ( a file manager app for your revved. Its name is "file manager" itself)

8. Tubemate (an app to enable YouTube video download in mp4 and flv format)

9. Speaktoit (an speach recognizing and answering assistant for your android)

10. ( a dictionary that enables you to find right meaning on the go and an extra option to find the word of the day)

11. Adobe flash player (one of the main advantage of android from iPhone is adobe flash player. Download this app to enable flash embedded plugins)

12. Go SMS pro (an external app for messaging which enables super options)

13. Go book (an app for enabling book reading in a natural way while on the move)

14. Spring Zen HD (the other feature where iPhone lacks from android is live wallpaper. Download this super awesome lwp and boast against iPhone)

15. Think free office (an app to read and edit all kinf of text formats)

All these mentioned apps are available in the android market for free.

Make sure that you had updated these pre installed apps.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Get user dictionary words imported for your android

One of the most advantages of android is the ability to install an external keyboard. Although android provides a good keyboard pre installed with it, we prefer to download new one or use the phone manufacturer's keyboard because of the advanced user dictionary words which will help to correct the spellings. There is an option to add user dictionary wordsb manually. But, we know that is quite difficult to add all the word we need to the user dictionary.

  Now, you have an option to add all the words from a txt file or doc file by an awesome app. It is User Dictionary Manager or UDM. First download this app from the market and then download this text file Which contains most of the dictionary words. So,  now you can use your default android keyboard which provides a better GUI.

Download app from the market.
Download txt file here http://

Also you can browse your own doc or txt files.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Gt racing from gameloft for your Android

As well as in Gran Turismo (and other
similar games), GT Racing allows
players to ride on the licensed cars on
real tracks. Developers set their sights
on the 100 - so much cars from 25
manufacturers in GT Racing. Each
machine is able to boast a unique view
from the cockpit and individual sound.
Like most games Gameloft, GT Racing
suit and townsfolk: the auto-braking,
auto gas and arcade management - all
this can be disabled veteran
racing. During the passage of racing
events, we will earn money to upgrade
their vehicles.
Weather conditions not only affect the
visual minutiae, but also affect the
behavior of the cars on the road. As a
supplement, we are waiting for a
special rally tracks and associated rally
cars.In all other respects the best
traditions of the publisher: local and
online multiplayer, online records, fill
repeats on YouTube.
Download for LG Optimus One Motor
Racing GT Academy HD

Cache (folder GTRacing copy sdcard \
Gameloft \ games )
