Sunday, October 30, 2011

Gangster west coast hustle... download now!

As expected, the complete freedom of action is guaranteed. Follow the mission, earn money and spend it to buy new cars and other trifles. The controls are very convenient: supported accelerometer and Touch-joystick.
Features: Fully three-dimensional environment, a huge car park, complete freedom of action!Explore the city, kill the gang members, steal vehicles, pick your favorite radio station and enjoy the pleasant music (hip-hop, rap, reggae, electro, Californian punk rock and many other genres).

Download for Gangster: West Coast Hustle (

Download Cache ( (folder throw gangstar in sdcard \ Gameloft \ games \ )

If any problem, contact me

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dungeon Defenders:

Dungeon Defenders: First Wave - a
shooter with elements of RPG, the
gameplay in the style of Tower
Defence, but is free. You can create a
unique character, selected from four
submitted. Dungeon Defenders: First
Wave was developed on Unreal Engine
3, which indicates the excellent
In the Action-RPG successfully
combines light, 3D models and
sophisticated textures (which requires
more power from your devaysa).
In addition to the registration can not
be overlooked gorgeous depth of
gameplay. Not notice - Pull!

Download Dungeon Defenders: First
Wave for your android ( )

download cache (
Unpack in sdcard / DunDef /

If you find this game not working, just mail me, or comment here.

Friday, October 28, 2011

An easy way to get updated with the posts

Download android app of this blog

Play play station games on your android

1)Install FPSE.apk
2)open FPSE and select BIOS file
3)Save Configuration
4)Select ISO or BIN file of the ps1 game
5)ur done, Enjoy lots of ps1 games on ur
android phone
Download Link(FPSE+BIOS ):

1)Install FPSE.apk
2)open FPSE and select BIOS file
3)Save Configuration
4)Select ISO or BIN file of the ps1 game
5)ur done, Enjoy lots of ps1 games on ur
android phone
Download Link(FPSE+BIOS ): 86sGEeW6/

w. 86sGEeW6/

Thursday, October 27, 2011

You can do more with your android

   Tips can help you to enjoy your android. Visit this site and find what you want to do with your android yo make it smart

Bristling Reno Air Races

This chance to take part in the famous
racing planes. Very interesting concept,
great graphics - all this takes you into
the universe of air races, providing the
probability of competition with other
online players around the world. Epic
and brilliant race. Incredible 3D
graphics with weather effects, exact
copies of airplanes and airports.
Download for your android 

Air Races Breitling (

download cache ( |
mirror (

( folder games from the
archive to throw in \ sdcard \ )

If you find this game not working, just mail me, or comment here.

Save battery tip: Always do a 0-100 recharge

   As we all are struggling hard to conserve battery, we will plug charger connected with the phone always when we get an interval. But, have you ever thought that is it safe. The ununiformical charge change of battery will reduce its life. So do this step.
Only recharge your phone when it has only 10% or nearby charge, and wait till it gets 100%. This can maintain your phone's uniformity in charge and thus your battery will live long.

An easy way to get internet settings

   If you are new to android, you not need to disturb your network provider to get Gprs settings. You have an easy way to receive settings. Just go to

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Android overtakes iPhone in total app downloads

The Android operating system now
leads in total app downloads,
another benchmark in the race to
dominate the smartphone market,
according to ABI Research.
The market research firm's
Singapore office said Android
overtook iOS in the second quarter
of this year with 44 percent of
mobile app downloads being
delivered to Android devices,
compared to 31 percent going to iOS
Android has grown much faster
than ABI's earlier projections have
suggested. In 2009, Google's OS
facilitated just 11 percent of total
app downloads. At that time, the
firm projected that figure might
grow to 23 percent by 2014. Instead,
2011 seems to have been the year
that Android made its move on iOS.
As recently as August 2010, ABI
reported that iOS still held a
dominant 52 percent of the market
for mobile app downloads.
"Android's open source strategy is
the main factor for its success," says
Lim Shiyang, an ABI research
associate. "Being a free platform has
expanded the Android device install
base, which in turn has driven
growth in the number of third party
multiplatform and mobile operator
app stores."
According to ABI, Android's install
base now exceeds iOS by a margin
of 2.4 -to-1 worldwide; by 2016 that
will grow to 3-to -1.
Shiyang says the open source factor
alone could be enough to explain
Android's success, but ABI also notes
that growth in iPhone shipments
slowed in the middle of 2011, likely
as consumers decided to wait to buy
a new iPhone until the next model
(which we now know to be the
iPhone 4s) was released. While
Apple growth was slowing, Android
shipments increased 36 percent in
the second quarter.
Of course, the picture for the last
quarter of 2011 could look very
different, thanks to the October
release of the iPhone 4S, which has
already broken sales records . And
Apple users still download more
apps per user than Android by a 2-
to-1 margin, according to the ABI
"Apple's superior monetization
policies attracted good developers
within its ranks, thus creating a
better catalog of apps and customer
experience," says ABI's Dan Shey.
In the end, both Apple and Android
win. ABI expects global app
downloads for 2011 to hit 29 billion
total, a huge increase from 9 billion
downloads in 2010. That's thanks to
a total smartphone install base that's
expected to grow 46 percent this

Automate your android

A feature which is not in iPhone.

What if your phone automatically
went silent when you step into the
movie theater? Texted your significant
other when you finished your long
commute? Or automatically turned
down the volume when a particularly
loud friend called? It can; here's how.
Tasker gives
you total rules-
automation for
your Android
phone. It's not
free, but it offers a free 14-day trial
download . In the Android Market, it' s
£3.99 in UK money—a little over $6
U.S. If you grab the trial, or shell out
the cost of a Double-Double meal at
In-N-Out Burger to buy it in the Market
(scan the QR code at left), you'll
discover it's worth the cost, even if you
only have one super-specific use for it.
Tasker can do nearly anything on your
phone. It's mostly limited by your
imagination. Here are some up-front
ideas about neat automations that
come to mind:
• Set preferences for each
application: Give the Kindle app a
longer screen time-out. Make Maps or
Foursquare automatically turn on GPS,
and have a file browser launch when
you trade out SD cards. Have your
music and other audio apps lower the
volume to 50 percent when you plug in
headphones, so you never get a way-
too-loud moment.
• Time of day automation: Make your
phone go into airplane mode
overnight, but re-connect for a few
minutes every 30 minutes to grab
messages. Set up your phone to play
specific or random songs from your
collection as an alarm, back up files
from your SD card every day, load up
an application at a certain time.
• Set up contact rules: If you've got a
friend who talks too loud, make your
call volume go down when they ring.
Create a home screen widget that
sends an automatic SMS ("In the car,"
maybe) to the last person who called.
Set your phone to pop up a more
iPhone-style message box, rather than
background notifications, when you
miss calls or get SMS from certain
people. Have your phone always
record messages from a certain caller.

Download (

Sunday, October 23, 2011

IPhone is copying android.

has the "Voice Talk" built in it.
Voice Talk has the best speech
recognition engine bar.
You can say some pretty
random stuff when you're voice
to texting and it picks up just
about anything as long as
you're clear and no one is
speaking over you. Siri was a
standalone company that had
an app for previous iphones.
Now, Apple bought it out and
built it in to their OS. So the
previous post was mostly false.
Voice actions are not licensed/
copyrighted/etc by Apple...Siri
is. Thanks again to Apple for
confusing the novice into
thinking Apple came out with
some feature first and then
name branding it. Most of the
other capabilities/specs in the
iphone 4s shown in the demo
video have been in Androids or
are in Androids like the Galaxy
S2. If you can tell I like Android
then let me end by letting you
know I do have an open mind
and try to remain unbiased. I'll
do this by stating that two
strengths I feel Siri has that
Android Voice Talk does not.
First the ability to schedule a
meeting and be notified if
there's a conflicts and the ability
to set a reminder for arrival to a
GPS location. If Siri has better
speech recognition than it used
to have then it may prove to be
very useful and competitive.
I'm waiting for the
Nexus Prime so I can see a
taste of what Android 4.0 (Ice
Cream Sandwich) has to offer.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Haven't you rooted your phone yet?

The best idea for you is to root your android. If you root you can :
1. Move any app to SD
2. Install custom roms
3. Speed up speed
4. Save battery charge for long time.
5. Support live wallpaper in phones which don't support it.
6. Change boot screen
7 change most main features of android like notification bar, app drawyer etc
8. Install games and apps that your phone doesn't support
9. Remove ads of apps and games
10. Control apps whether to use connection so that you can improve internet speed
11. Backup apps

And many more

The only negative is that it will ruin warranty.

But there are ways to unroot your android.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tip to increase battery life

As every mobile users are struggling hard to maintain battery life, consider doing this. When charging, just switch off your phone. It's good for your batter, GPS, wifi, and much more. Also you can save time. The total time to charge your battery full keeping phone switch off will be 60% less than what your phone usually take.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Vlingo or speaktoit? Anyhow, both are better than siri?

Nowadays iPhone is boasting about siri app of their phone. What we can say is that siri is just a updated version of android's vlingo and speaktoit assistant. Both are better in its own way. In vlingo it has many sub option so that when a user is to ask any topic, he can choose the category (only if he want). In speaktoit assistant, it is like the messaging window, with the phone's background. Also, in speaktoit, the replies are like an answer from a 2D avatar, which is customizable. I use both vlingo and speaktoit, and like speaktoit a little more.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tip to extend battery :

Every mobile user will be trying hard to maintain their phone's battery life. So here is a tip to make your battery live more. Do this,
Disable "data enabled" when not using the data. This service of your android will make your accounts to sync and thus this will consume a little battery more. To keep the data disabled, do this,
Open the notification bar and disable the second option from right. Or : settings > wireless and networks > mobile networks > data enabled.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Read the real book with your android? Download go book

As the technology change, we have changed our idea to read books and e book readers are very exclusive. With go book, you will get an experience of reading books really. The page turn over transaction is same as original. Try go book. Download from market.

Are you an WordPress blogger? Download WordPress app here ...

Growth of blogs and bloggers are very high. All bloggers need to add posts to their blog even on the move. So here, WordPress had release a new official WordPress app for android. You can, thus, post to your blog even on the move.

Download this app from the market. Its just 1 MB. I'm not adding it here, because if you download it from market, you will get update notification.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Do you wanna develop an android app?

Every android user will be happy to develop an app. But most are loosing it as they don't know how to develop it. Here we have a simple way. We can create an android app with any web content. Just 2 steps.
1. Mention the URL.
2. Give a name.

Then your App is ready

Download this app ( )

Download android app of this Blog

With this app, you will get this blog loaded very faster. Simple to use and easy to get updated with blog.
Download android app here ( )

Paper plane, best way to show off

Everyone will be happy (sometimes, greedy) to own an android handset. What we need will be to show off the features of android. First, we will boast about market, charge and more. Next we need to show off a simple game which is awesome. It is paper plane. Just see it.
Download ( )

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Change your android status bar without root rights

Super Status Bar is fully customizable
to suit all tastes replacement for the
standard status bar that does not
require root! This means that the
program is absolutely no way can
harm your device. Without loss of
functionality! The program is free, but
by shopping within the application you
can buy more themes and templates,
as well as disable ads (only present in
the settings).

Download for LG Optimus One Super
Status Bar (

Subscribe via SMS

You can subscribe to android blog ( via SMS too. To subscribe send an SMS <on><space><powermyandroid> to 9870807070

Once subscribed ,You will be getting best apps and games news via SMS.

Please support me

Please share this blog on your social networking wall.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The best live wallpaper, SPRING ZEN HD, for your htc sensation

Enjoy every season in a peaceful park
surrounded by the blossoming of new life.
Formerly known as Spring Zen, Season Zen
allows you to enjoy Spring in a peaceful
Sakura park surrounded by the blossoming
of new life in this beautiful Live Wallpaper.
From the creators of the wildly successful
Celtic Garden, bring your phone to life with
this serene 3D Spring wallpaper.
Sunlight filters through swaying trees in a
peaceful park, as cherry blossoms float
past. A birds nest perched in a branch
overlooks a park bench, gently flowing
brook, and blooming flowers.
If you prefer to try other seasons, a
Summer and Autumn / Fall theme is
available in the full version. You can match
your season just by changing the theme -
it's like getting three wallpapers for the
price of one. A Winter theme is coming
soon for the full version, too!
In the full version, you can also customize
nearly every part of the scene, including the
bench, flowers, eggs, stream, and more -
thousands of possible combinations! An
animated butterfly will fly through the
scene. You can also hide or show the nest,
eggs, butterfly, river, and more.
Works great with phones, tablets, Tegra HD
devices, or any device that supports live
Problems? Just email our support team
with the model of your phone and a
description of the problem.


Keep updated with your pre installed apps of your htc sensation

Your htc sensation will be
coming with some pre installed
apps on it like facebook, twitter,
YouTube etc. Since it is added
before setting up your market
account (before signing in with
your google account during the
first use), details of those pre
installed apps might be
unavailable in the market's "my
apps" option and thus you
won't be getting update
notification. But this can be
solved, once after updating
manually. To update manually,
search the name of the app on
the market (eg : Facebook for
android) and then on the
search results you can find the
update option. After the first
manual update, you will be
getting the update notification
there after.

Update the keyboard of your htc sensation

Update your HTC sensation
keyboard with the keyboard of
android 2.3 . In this version, the
keyboard is coming with very
simple ui, easy to use and a
bundle of dictionary words.
Download key board here
inputmethod.latin. free&feature

Update the folder style of your HTC sensation

This widget will help you to
start your
prefered apps or call your best
friends -
but with style!
You can add some frequently
used apps,
contacts or bookmarks to this
launcher and
start those apps, contacts or
with one click from a circle.
Use the
included launcher icons or use
a icon from
any CircleLauncher icon pack.
If you slide
over the icons, they are
animated a little bit
mac-like ... just try it!
Facebook-User, please read:
contacts are created by the
Facebook sync
adapter. These contacts are
accessible to a
whitelist of applications, which
is specified
and enforced by Facebook. The
contact API is private, which
means that
nobody (with the exception of
should be using it at this point.
So the only
way to get the pictures from
your Facebook
contacts is to use another tool
synchronize. I would suggest to
'SyncMyPix' , please try it!
Some icons in the screenshots
are from
'CircleLauncher IconPack One'
and the
wallpaper is 'wp clock full'.
This is a free version of
Circlelauncher with
some limitations.
To add widget press on Home:
>Add-> Widget ->CircleLauncher
Please don't move the app to
the sd card -
it won't work! And if the widget
don' t
appear after the installation,
just wait a few
If you noticed a bug or have
any questions,
please send me an eMail ...

All in one app for your htc sensation

ZDbox is an amazing all-in -one
Five stars in xda forum.
ZDbox is an amazing and free
all-in -one
toolbox. It holds a collection of
useful tools
and has a nice and easy to use
With ZDbox you’re getting your
phone under control, do easily
optimization and customize it to
needs. An essential tool which
you will love!
5 stars in xda forum.
★ Widgets: Keep screen always
on, kill all
tasks, WiFi on/off, airplane
mode on/off,
brightness adjustment, sound
rotate screen on/off, bluetooth
start/stop sync, switch between
2G/3 G,
app lock on/off, GPS on/off, APN
(mobile access point), flashlight
★ Battery: Monitoring and
showing lots of
information about remaining
battery time,
temperature, health, time since
last boot,
necessary time until full charge
and so on
★ Traffic counter: Monthly/
daily mobile
data usage overview, shows
remaining data
traffic, detailed data usage
information for
each app.
★ Do not disturb: Just set days
and the
time when you need your
privacy and you
won’t be disturbed by your
phone. Set
phone to silent, vibration or
airplane mode.
★ App lock: Protect apps with a
or pattern, for exmaple your
Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and so
★ Task killer: Kill all apps at
once, define
protected apps which won’t be
killed, set
auto kill when screen gets
locked, mark
single or multiple apps to kill
★ Notification bar: One tap on
the bar
shows remaining battery time,
apps, how much data traffic is
left and if
app lock is active or not. A tap
on these
informations starts ZDbox.
★ Uninstaller: Shows used/
internal and SD card memory.
Apps can be
easily uninstalled. Single or
(batch) uninstall possible.
★ App to SD: Move apps to your
SD card.
Single or multiple (batch) move
Only for Android 2.2 and 2.3 .
•Cache cleaner:
With Cache Cleaner you can
clean your
cache fast and easily.With auto
cleaner ,
you don't need manual
operation by
yourself everyday.ZDbox is
your best
scavenger,free your phone's
it as light as a feather.

The best launcher, sbp shell 3d, for your htc sensation

The best launcher available
for any android phone is sbp
shell 3d. It gives you a very
awesome screens and awesome
Widgets. The screen selection
button will bring a 3d view and
then it will show animations for
the contents of each screen
automatically. The widget pack
installed with this app is
enough, instead of downloading
different Widgets. Most of the
Widgets are animated.
I recommend you to download
this app from market. Or else, if
you download from external
site, it will only run for 1 hour
and will say that it is pirated.

Download from market

Or download here (not recommended)